Been scouring the net for SKILZ Hit-A-Way reviews? Today we will be doing a full SKLZ Hit-A-Way Review!
Product: SKLZ Hit-A-Way Baseball Swing Trainer
Best Place To Buy:
Warranty: 1 year
My Rating: 5 out of 5
SKLZ Hit-A-Way Review: Product Overview.
The SKLZ Hit-A-Way swing trainer is a product designed to improve your skills at the plate.
The idea behind the product is to improve a batters hand-eye coordination, swing power, timing and confidence through the repetitive action of swinging at and hitting a ball in motion.
The swing trainer can be adjusted for height to suit any size batter. Although the recommended age is 7 & up, my kids have been using it since age 5.
The SKLLZ Hit-A-Way is designed to be used without the need of a pitcher or having to chase down balls. By simply attaching it to your basketball pole or a similar sized tree, you are ready for endless hours of batting practice.
It also allows you to easily practice your skills as a switch hitter.
The Hit-A-Way provides the batter with instant feedback. If you are not hitting the ball squarely, it will not wind itself around the pole properly. This allows you to make instant adjustments to improve your swing.
You can also use the SKLZ Hit-A-Way to improve your bat speed.
Hitting the ball on the first time back around requires you to get back in your hitting stance quickly and swing the bat almost instantly. Doing this exercise will wear you out pretty fast, but I have found this to be an excellent way to improve bat speed.
SKLZ Hit-A-Way Review: Features
Attaches securely to poles & trees
The best set up we have found is to attach it around our portable basketball pole.
I have also seen it wrapped around small trees and fence posts and it worked just fine.
You can also buy a portable system from SKLZ specifically designed for the Hit-A-Way, but it is around $100. The reviews on the system are mixed, with some complaints about stability.
You can check out the portable system here
You will want whatever you attach it to, to be round so the straps can be tightened securely.
Quick & easy setup
After unpacking your Hit-A-Way, you will be swinging within a few seconds.
It does come with instructions, but it is pretty self explanatory.
Easy height adjustment
The easy height adjustment makes it very easy to accommodate any size batter and also allows you to practice hitting at different elevations.
This is especially helpful if you are struggling with hitting high or low pitches.
Works for right handed, left handed & switch hitters
Simply wind the ball the opposite way and you can hit from either side. This is great as I have a lefty in the house.
Switch hitters will love it too.
Very durable!
Including myself, we have 4 hitters who use the Hit-A-Way all the time.
We have beat this thing senseless 10’s of thousands of times and it shows very little wear & continues to perform the same as the day we got it.
It is recommended to bring it inside when not in use, but we haven’t taken it off the pole since we got it over a year ago.
SKLZ Hit-A-Way Review: Any Drawbacks?
One drawback I can see with the Hit-A-Way is this:
If you have a player who has bad swing mechanics, it will not help with this specific problem. Without a doubt, they will start to hit the ball more often and with more power, but the mechanics will stay the same.
This is why it’s important to spend some time with the hitter and teach them the proper way to swing before you turn them loose on their own.
After you feel confident they are swinging properly, then turn them loose and watch as their performance at the plate improves.
One other problem I’ve seen a couple of times is that the ball doesn’t come back properly after hitting it.
This is the beauty of the Hit-A-Way giving you instant feedback.
If you hit the ball squarely, it will come back properly every time. If you are just grazing the ball on the top or bottom, it won’t.
SKLZ Hit-A-Way Review: The Bottom Line
The SKLZ Hit-A-Way has proven itself to me to be very durable and easy to use.
I have seen major improvements with contact and power in all of my kids.
You can use the Hit-A-Way just about anywhere which makes it a very convenient way to get in some batting practice when you can’t make it to the field, or when you just want some extra swings.
Get your swing mechanics right & then swing away!
I hope you enjoyed this SKLZ Hit-A-Way review.
As always, if you have any other questions or concerns, please leave a comment below and I will get back with you right away.
Thanks for stopping by ~Jeremy
My grandson and I share a love for baseball. I want to help him improve his game, but I’m really not a coach. The Sklz Hit A way has proven to be the perfect tool for improving his skills and building his confidence as a player.
It allows him to train alone or I can stand nearby and encourage him and we have a fun time together. With the Sklz Hit A way, he has quickly developed a spatial awareness of where the ball is or should be over the plate.
This spatial awareness has helped him both as a hitter and as a pitcher.
Love the review.
Hey Gary.
I’m glad you enjoyed the SKLZ Hit-A-Way review.
As a coach, I can tell you that using the SKLZ swing trainer has made some big improvements with my teams and my own kids.
You are absolutely right. I have watched some kids go from having no confidence at the plate, to being in complete control at the plate after just a few sessions with the SKLZ Hit A Way.
We have had our own SKLZ set up in our back yard for a couple years and it still works as good as the day we set it up. The kids never get tired of it and continue to strengthen their swings.
That’s great to hear that you and your grandson share a passion for baseball. Our beloved game presents so many great opportunities for families to bond and grow together. We are often times found outside at 9 O’clock on weekdays beating our SKLZ senseless!
Show them the proper swing mechanics and let ’em swing away!
Thanks for stopping by Gary and drop on by any time. ~Jeremy